CHS Band Boosters
We're a nonprofit, 501(c)3 organization of volunteers. We have a governing board but rely on parents to fuel the work. We raise money and host events to support band students and help cover program costs throughout the year.
Our goal: To make sure that practical and logistical challenges don't prevent the band from achieving its best and having fun while doing so.
Band Boosters: What We Do
Annual Events
The band program hosts several events to foster community and raise funds. These include:
Cavalcade - a marching band competition that we host in the fall
Band on the Run - a 5K race in the spring
Potlucks, pool parties, and competition trips
Volunteer Roles & Committees
Band parents supplement the leadership and organize volunteers. Committees include:
Chaperone - supervise trips
Hospitality - Supply food and drink at events
Equipment - transport instruments, etc.
Community Outreach & Sponsorships - raise money
Social Media & Web - raise awareness
We also need volunteers to:
Fit, distribute, organize and arrange cleaning of Marching Band and Concert Band uniforms.
Lead events
Sell tickets
Direct traffic
... and more.
Band Boosters Board: Who We Are
2024-2025 Band Boosters Board
Rob Cook, President
E.D. Rambo, Vice President
Amanda Nelsen, Secretary
April Rodgers, Treasurer
Amy Ogden, At Large - Leads Volunteer Committee
Amy-Sarah Marshall, At Large - Leads Fundraising Committee
John Naegle, At Large - Leads Equipment Committee
Ruth Payne, At Large - Leads Hospitality Committee
Attend a Meeting
We encourage parents to attend. We welcome your feedback, questions, opinions, ideas, and input! Time and place to find us:
Second Thursday of the month
7:00 pm
CHS band room
Contact Us
Learn how to donate, get involved, attend a meeting, etc.:
Email the board or just the treasurer
What We Support
Band includes:
Marching Band – August-November
Summer Band Camp
Home Football Games
Marching Band Competitions around the state
Drum Major and Color Guard Camps
VBODA Marching Assessment participation
Winter Guard/Drum Line - November-April
Regional Competitions
Jazz Band - October-May
All-State Jazz Assessment
Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band - October-May
Fall/Winter and Spring Concerts
Pit Orchestra for Spring Musical
Senior Regional Orchestra
VBODA All-State Concert Assessment
Costs can run high. We help cover:
Instrument maintenance
Competition fees
Purchase of the music and marching drill for marching show
Additional marching band and winter guard staff
Band camp activities
New uniforms and cleaning
Instrument purchases and repairs
Food and drink
Insurance fees